Ausbildung und beruflicher Werdegang
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
- Original article: Novel management strategy for patients with suspected pulmonary embolism. N. Kucher, C. Luder, T. Dörnhofer, S. Windecker, B. Meier, O.M. Hess. European Heart Journal 2003; 24: 366-376.
- 61-jährige Patientin mit langjähriger Diarrhoe und reaktiver depressiver Verstimmung. S. Blaser, C. Luder, R. Weimann, E. Odenheimer, J. Greeve, U. Schiemann. PRAXIS 2005; 94: 1409 – 1412.
- Gastrointestinale Blutung bei einem 74-jährigen Mann nach Operation eines Bauchaortenaneurysmas. C. Luder, J. Schmidli, J. Greeve. PRAXIS 2006; 95: 327 – 330.
- A young lady with a rash, facial edema and signs of a capillary leak. C. Luder, S. Schneiter, J. Greeve, W. – J. Pichler. European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology 2006;
- F1000Prime Recommendation of [Oral apremilast in the treatment of active psoriatic arthritis: results of a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Schett G et al., Arthritis Rheum 2012, 64(10):3156-67]. J. Hafner J and C. Luder . In F1000Prime, 02 Apr 2013
- F1000Prime Recommendation of [Efficacy of apremilast in the treatment of moderate to severe psoriasis: a randomised controlled trial. Papp K et al., Lancet 2012, 380(9843):738-46]. J: Hafner and C. Luder. In F1000Prime, 02 Apr 2013
- F1000Prime Recommendation of [An open-label pilot study of apremilast for the treatment of moderate to severe lichen planus: a case series. Paul J et al., J Am Acad Dermatol 2013, 68(2):255-61]. J. Hafner and C. Luder. In F1000Prime, 02 Apr 2013
- Easy-to-use compression therapy: Donning devices and modified stockings (sock and superimposed leggings). C. Luder, K. Sippel, J. Hafner. Dermatologica Helvetica 2015, 27(6):41
- Spinozelluläres Karzinom bei einem Patienten mit chronischer lymphatischer Leukämie. Luder C, Omid N, Radetzki AL, Mohanna MT, Hafner J. Dermatologica Helvetica 2014; 26: 22.
- Wundschmerz. Graeni N, Buset C, Dziunycz P, Frauchiger AL, Kaufmann F, Jaberg N, Luder C, Mohanna MT, Stieger P, Weber B, Mayer D, Laeuchli S, Hafner J. Phlebologie 6 2014; 43: 317-20.
- Komplexes regionales Schmerzsyndrom (CRPS). Hafner J, Buset C, Dziunycz P, Graeni N, Kaufmann F, Jaberg N, Luder C, Mohanna MT, Stieger P, Weber B, Mayer D, Laeuchli S, Frauchiger AL. Phlebologie 6 2014; 43: 312-16
- Restless-Legs-Syndrom. Hafner J, Dziunycz P, Frauchiger AL, Graeni N, Kaufmann F, Jaberg N, Luder C, Mohanna MT, Stieger P, Weber B, Mayer D, Laeuchli S, Buset C. Phlebologie 6 2014; 43: 309-11
- Original article: A compression kit of a stocking and three superimposed leggings is easy to don and dose adjustable. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. Luder C, Dziunycz P, Omid N, Radetzki AL, Lang C, Hübner M, Hafner J. 2016; 51: 434-40.
- Original article: Comparison of pyoderma gangrenosum and hypertensive ischemic leg ulcer Martorell in a Swiss cohort. Kolios AGA, Hafner J, Luder C, Guenova E, Kerl K, Kempf W, Nilsson J, French LE, Cozzio A. Br J Dermatol. 2018; 178: 125-126.
- Review article: Histiocytosis - cutaneous manifestations of hematopoietic neoplasm. C. Luder, T.M. Nordmann, E. Ramelyte, B. Mühleisen, K. Kerl, O, E. Guenova, R. Dummer. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2018; 32: 926-934
- Urethritis – Erregerspektrum und neue therapeutische Herausforderungen. Luder C, DERMATOLOGIE PRAXIS 2018; 6: 4-7